From Singapore with love Despite the mass splattering of red decorations sputtered over every street in Singapore in readiness for Chinese...
Recipe | Galette des Rois
To play the king... I spent a fun New Year cooking in a chalet in Val d’Isere, and despite the lack of snow I made sure there was...
Chocolate caramel brownies
Tackling picnics... “There is something a little unusual we would like you to do this time Philippa” “Oh, yes?” Thought I, not entirely...
Spiced banana cake with maple syrup and honey
Caught between a midge and ... Within minutes of arriving at the lodge in the Highlands I was faced with a dilemma. It reminded me of the...
Recipe | Chocolate Chip Cookies
Food fit for a … You don’t walk in Washington DC, you power strut. Well that was my conclusion after the first couple of hours there. In...
Recipe |Scones
Appointment with Devon This week I’m using my ‘little grey cells’ with my trusted chef friend from Devon to solve a West Country problem,...
Receipe | Power balls
Goodness, gracious, great balls of…. Power. You can follow me on twitter and Instagram for more photos and snippets of my week Twitter :...
Recipe | Rice crispy Cakes with salted chocolate
The sweet life... Having spent the last few days helping a family prepare for the excitement of Easter I don’t mind saying I have learnt a...
Recipe | Baked ham with marmalade glaze
I am looking for someone to share an adventure…….. That’s what she should of have said, but instead she merely asked: “Can you drive”?...
Boston Cream Pie
Happy as a clam... Arthur kept me up for most of the night, boisterously crashing around and showing off and with repeated...
The love life of Honey B
Recipe | Künefe - Honey, pistachio, walnut and orange blossom Turkish pastry I have just spent a delightful week in Dorset embracing...
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